Monday 8 August 2011

Unity Game - Celestial Void

This was a project that I had to complete in my third year of University. I had to create a demo of a new game that would meet the specifications of a client using the Unity video game engine.

The programming side of this project was a bit of a nightmare, as I find it quite difficult. However, I very much enjoyed the design side. I decided to go with a First Person Shooter game, inspired by Nintendo's 'Metroid Prime' series, as FPS games are extremely popular.

When designing the characters of the game, I purposely decided to make them quite basic. This was because I had never used Unity before, and was not aware of how detailed the models could be before causing memory issues. As it turns out, I could have given them more detail, but I stuck with the simple models as I felt that they were still visually appealing.

From left to right: The friendly alien, the main character and the boss

As I enjoy animating, I decided to create a short 20 second opening to my game in order to establish the story and mood.
The main character receiving a distress call from an alien planet

Using Unity to create a video game demo was a challenging, yet enjoyable experience. It allowed me to see my 3D models in a different light. While it certainly was great to see the combination of my programming and models to fuse together into a game, I think that I would much rather stick with the modelling and animating side of game development.

View of the entire level in Unity

This was completed as part of my University course in April 2011.


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